Alissa's Fitness Blog

Alissa's Diabetes and Fitness Blog


Discussion of Diet and Fitness as a tool to manage Diabetes

1. Plan Ahead

Determine in advance where you will be on the holiday.  If you are dining at a restaurant, go online and view the menu.  Strategize the best dining options to fit your taste preference and nutritional needs.  Know what you will eat BEFORE ordering.  If you are going to a family or friend's house for a meal, it is OK to ask what will be served.  Don't be afraid to explain your dietary restrictions nor should you be hesitant to bring your own food.  Carbohydrate(Carb) count early so you can balance the day of eating with ease and comfort in food choices.

2. A Treat Is NOT Cheating

Allow yourself the luxury of a treat without the guilt. Try to account for the ‘extra’ by substituting calories and carbs from the daily meals. It is easy to over eat so be mindful of your goals. A proactive eating plan will help deter from overindulging.


3. Exercise

Be strategic and try to include an exercise regimen the day of the festivity. If you are unable to exercise on that day, then set an activity schedule for the following day and week. Oftentimes the feeling of guilt drives us to set unrealistic exercise goals. A successful plan should only include exercise or physical activities that you enjoy.


4. No Excuses

Rationalizing your diet will lead to overindulgence. Write down your holiday plan, have it easily accessible and be sure to review several times to keep focus. This will help avoid eating mishaps.


5. The Scale

Don't weigh yourself the day after a holiday feast. In one week, weigh yourself. Continue to weigh yourself the same time, same day each week thereafter. Try to use the same scale to assure accuracy. Keep in mind that a pound or two more is not necessarily a bad thing. There are many reasons the scale can fluctuate so allow yourself a two-pound leeway and DON’T feel guilty if it’s over.


 Extra Tip: Write down your goals to ensure commitment and positive carryover.


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